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“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better”
Albert Einstein  

Independent, Nurture, Spiritual, Progress, Individual, Resilience, Encourage

In St Anne’s we believe that high-quality geography education is linked to each child’s experiences, abilities, interests and helps pupils make sense of their surroundings and the world as a whole. Teaching Geography helps pupils to recognise, identify, respond, observe, express ideas, deepen understanding, explain links and make conclusions and judgments in relation to place and locational knowledge, human and physical Geography and Geographical skills and fieldwork.

Our Curriculum Aims

  • To give each child the opportunity to study their local and global surroundings and environment and how these can be affected by physical and human conditions and processes.
  • To give children opportunities to identify similarities and differences between diverse places, people, environments, climates and landmasses and to respect other people’s beliefs, attitudes and values.
  •  To encourage enquiry through fieldwork, practical activities, exploration and discussion
  • To develop, understand and accurately use Geographical vocabulary.
  • To give children opportunities to develop the following geographical skills:
    • Collect, analyse and communicate data collected through fieldwork.
    • Interpret Geographical information from a variety of sources.
    • Communicate geographical information in a variety of ways.
    • Recognise, observe, identify and name using accurate Geographical language, describe, give reasons, explain and make links, respond, explore, deepen understanding, enquire, hypothesise and draw conclusions.
  • To develop a caring attitude to their environment and the earth as a whole, thus developing a sense of responsibility as eco-citizens, for the care of the earth and the people that inhabit it.

The Geography Lead is Mrs Feeney.

Knowledge Organisers

Geography News

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