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Breakfast Club and Wraparound Club

9042Breakfast Club

The main purpose of our breakfast club is to provide a safe, secure environment before school, where children can have breakfast with their friends. This also plays an important role in providing before-school childcare for families where parents need to be at a place of work or need to get other children to different schools or childcare settings.

At St Anne’s, we offer a Breakfast Club from 8:00am. Please do not arrive before 8.00am.


At 8:40am, all children are escorted to their classroom to start their school day.

During Breakfast Club our children are looked after by Mrs. Brown, Ms Butler, Mrs Gregson (sometimes) and Miss Fraser.

We have a limited number of spaces at Breakfast Club so please ensure you secure your child’s place by booking via our school app. Payment should be made in advance via ParentPay (£2.50 per day, reduced rate of £2.00 for siblings). Please be aware that if you book a place and your child does not attend you will still be charged for the place.

Wraparound Club

Our Wraparound Club provides a safe, secure environment after school, where children can have fun with their friends. Wraparound Club is held every night from 3.10pm until 5.30pm. There are lots of activities and games for the children, and a snack and drink is included in the cost. Children also play outside enjoying our lovely grounds, weather permitting.

During Wraparound Club our children are looked after by Mrs Roberts, Miss Wells, Miss Spellacy and Miss Weston (now on leave).

We have a limited number of spaces at Wraparound Club so please ensure you secure your child’s place by booking via our school app. Payment should be made in advance via ParentPay (£10.00 per session). Please be aware that if you book a place and your child does not attend you will still be charged for the place.

If you have any queries please contact the school office on 477 8260.


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