We at St Anne’s Catholic Primary School provide our pupils with a rich, broad and balanced curriculum which fully meets the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum for England and the requirement to teach Religious Education in a Catholic school.
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;”
Psalm 32:8
Our Curriculum: INSPIRE
Our Curriculum Rationale is based on the acronym INSPIRE:
Individual, Nurture, Spiritual, Progress, Independence, Resilience, Encourage
Children who leave St Anne’s Catholic Primary School will have developed a love of learning and have been ‘INSPIRED’ to reach their full potential. We want our children to be happy, confident and respectful by the time they leave us. They will have made a positive contribution in our community and developed the importance of becoming active and environmentally aware.
Our approach to the curriculum is adjusted when necessary for those with disabilities or who have special educational needs. It complies fully with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.
We strive for all our children to have a sense of belonging and realisation of their own unique and distinctive talents. Our ethos is rooted in our Gospel values which permeate through our entire curriculum. We deliver a rich, relevant curriculum, from Nursery to Year 6 through the EYFS Framework and National Curriculum. The foundation of this is high quality teaching of Religious Education with basic skills in English and Maths focussing on vocabulary and oracy across all subjects. Vocabulary is at the heart of our curriculum; reading is an essential skill for learning across the school’s curriculum. Pupils are immersed in stories and learn to read fluently, they know their times tables and number bonds. Enhanced learning experiences beyond the classroom instilling knowledge, concepts and values are provided. These include investigative, real life, practical activities which engage and enthuse our children’s minds whilst enabling them to be INSPIRED to experience success.
At St Anne’s Catholic Primary, we are ambitious for all pupils. They will build upon a secure knowledge and skills sequentially across all subjects, enabling them to grow and develop personally and academically. Our curriculum will ‘INSPIRE’ children to want to learn more and provoke children’s intellectual curiosity. We will ensure that pupils grow academically in terms of knowledge and skills but of equal importance is their wider development: socially, morally, spiritually and culturally. We have enhanced subject expertise supplementing staff strengths by using specialist Computing Teachers, Music teachers and PE coaches to deliver high quality lessons for pupils. They not only enhance the learning experiences of our pupils, but further develop our staff too.
We implement a knowledge and skills based curriculum which is sequenced.
Our curriculum will:
- ensure relevant content is embedded in long term memory
- include what pupils actually remember from lessons
- avoid the overloading of the working memory
- provide spaced repetition for ‘overlearning’
- have subjects taught discretely (links and common themes are planned for between subjects)
- broaden horizons and open experiences to find out knowledge of life in different times and places
- ensure an experience to creative and artistic skills and knowledge
- mean access to high quality experiences
- provide our pupils with the access to the wider locality and beyond
- enable independent research (projects and our classes linked to countries)
Leaders continually review curriculum provision for each subject to ensure knowledge is sequenced and progressive within subjects, but also across subjects, where meaningful and relevant.
Our curriculum extends beyond academic achievements and we highly value educating the whole child in preparation for life in the modern world.
St Anne’s Catholic Primary School leavers are lovers of learning having reached their full potential. They are happy, confident and respectful having made positive contributions in the community. They understand the importance of being active and environmentally aware in a culturally diverse society.
More information
If you require any further information about our school curriculum then please just contact the school.
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Long Term Plans
As some pupils are taught in mixed classes, the Curriculum is arranged so that they get their full curriculum entitlement over a two year period. Pupils will follow ‘Route A’ Curriculum in the first year of the cycle and ‘Route B’ in the second year.
Route A 2024 -2025 (2026-2027)
Route B 2025-2026 (2027-2028)