Please click on the link below which will display (in our weekly newsletter) what extra curricular offers are currently taking place.
Please click on the link below which will display (in our weekly newsletter) what extra curricular offers are currently taking place.
We had numerous Extra Curricular Clubs provided to each class (bubble) in the school. We were able to provide: football, dance, multi-skills, dodgeball, athletics, science club, catch up club, camp skills, girls football and many more.
We ran a successful summer club in the summer of 2020 to aid with a transition back into school for September 2020. Towards the end of the academic year we ran a successful ‘WhitSun’ half term club and we also ran a summer camp in 2021. As a school we felt as well as helping our children to keep fit and active in the local community, we also provided more social outlets for our children to socialise. This also provided an opportunity to provide targeted support for children through using the National Tutoring Programme.