Some examples of Everyday Maths across our school
Birthday graph
Our birthday graph in the Dragonflies Class. We created this together is September and answered the different questions around the outside.
Telling the Time hunt
The children took part in a Telling the Time hunt. They had to find the signs around the school, read the time and find the corresponding clock on their answer sheet. With each answer the children also collected letters revealing a secret message at the end!
Number of the day
Everyday Maths Notice board
Visual timetable
Everyday Maths Notice board
Year 6’s Maths adventure!
Year six toured the school to find all things Maths-this is what they came up with! Can you find any more?
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Year 4’s estimation station!
A new challenge is set every week, we have to think carefully about measures and try to estimate how full (or empty) each container is! Have a go.
Number problem of the day
Year 4 again…can you solve our number problem of the day??