St. Anne’s Catholic Primary School
Mission Statement
Living and working as Jesus taught us.
Aims and Objectives:
Live the Gospel values of faith, love, forgiveness and care in our lives.
- Living out our INSPIRE curriculum and our Mission
- Our day-to-day nurturing environment
- Placing RE at the core of the curriculum
- Teaching the ‘Come and See’ programme and sharing daily prayer and liturgy/continuous provision
- Preparing for children receiving the Sacraments (Penance, the Eurcharist)
- Providing a safe, welcoming and nurturing school where all are valued and welcomed
- Promote acts of love and friendship, e.g. by sharing, towards one another
- Celebrate and share success through assemblies, displays, rewards, Rejoice assemblies, Twitter, Instagram, Golden Award
- Children involved in planning and leading collective worship and reflection (Prayer and Liturgy – KS2)
- Making and sending Christmas cards for local nursing home(s)/Parish
- Our Parish Priest’s celebration of and parishioners’ attendance at school Masses
- Celebrate with other Catholic Schools in our Parish
- Supporting local and global charities: Nugent Care, Zoe’s Place, food banks, Share Knowsley refugees, CAFOD, Shoe Box Appeal, through fund- raising and raising awareness, gift bags for the homeless, Christmas Cards to Whiston Hospital
- By listening to each other and valuing, respecting and responding to opinions
- Promoting good role models (school C & VC buddies’ roles, prefects)
- Promoting circle of friends, nurture groups, ELSA
- Listening to School Councillors, prefects, buddies
- Using manners daily living like Jesus taught us
- Promoting positivity during discussions, giving rewards and certificates
- Celebrating assemblies (Christmas/ Easter, Lent) and Masses
- Experiencing life experiences through role play
- Promoting positive relationships with everyone in school
- Promoting the understanding of other faiths and cultures (theme weeks, anti- racism, kindness week NSPCC visits)
- Singing at Local Care Homes/Library at Christmas
- Sharing our Christmas in a box with our school community
- Advent prayers with our families
- Stations of the cross on social media on Good Friday
- P+L Theme every week for school (shared on newsletter and social media)
- House Saint Celebrations
- Holy Day Liturgy in school
- Staff donation to families in need
- Journey in Love taught in school
- Classes celebrate Mass at Church
- Pastoral/wellbeing team are available to talk with staff and children
- Raising money for Willowbrook Hospice with sales of teddies
- Caring for class pet
Challenge and encourage all to become enthusiastic and independent lifelong learners.
- Living our INSPIRE curriculum
- Using current technology in all learning opportunities
- Recognising every child is made in the image and likeness of God; therefore striving to personalise learning
- Valuing each child’s contributions
- Providing an exciting, stimulating curriculum; catering for all learning styles; learning through play EYFS
- Promoting a variety of extra-curricular activities through clubs and wrap-around care
- Build commitment and resilience through residential visits
- Making learning enjoyable
- Pupils contribute through school council
- Using Reading Plus, staff and adult readers (Parish) helpers
- Providing a stimulating and safe learning environment which provides opportunities for all to celebrate success
- Eco Monitors promoting care for our environment inside and outside school
- Enhancing children’s school life by providing educational visits, late nights in school and residentials
- Having high expectations for children
- Providing opportunities and challenge for children with Special Educational Needs and More Able
- Encouraging teamwork in class, school and clubs
- Promoting combined learning for school, parents/carers, staff and children through Family Learning opportunities: Family Funs, Meet the Teacher, Parents’ Evenings, Sports and writing workshops
- Promoting Home Learning and challenges
- Promoting Homework Club for pupils
- Secondary partnership work
- Providing Educational/theme week visits
- Governors’ experience sharing with their own class
- Parents’ visit to join in learning
- Annual Black History Month competition
- Regular School Council/Buddies Meetings
- Governors for each class in school
- SATs breakfast during SATs week
- Year 5 Career Connect Workshops- encouraging Lifelong learning
- Home visits – from our Nursery/Reception staff
- Stay and Play sessions in our Nursery/Reception
- Links with high schools, Collective Worship and performances/transition sessions
- School Games Award encouraging competition and being active
- Weekend visits to parkrun and junior parkrun encouraging healthy living
- Weekend choir visits to Churches in the local area
- Extra curricular opportunities from EYFS to Y6
Work with our community to prepare for our future by following the values and teaching of Jesus.
- Visiting members of the local community
- Keeping parents/carers well informed through the school website/social media platforms and our weekly school newsletter
- Signposting parents/carers to receive the weekly parish newsletter
- Valuing parents’/carers’ and pupils’ views and opinions via annual questionnaires and less formal discussions
- Inviting members of the parish and local community into school to meet pupils
- Working closely with the other schools in our parish
- Inviting in outside agencies such as: Knowsley CLC, police, fire officers, ambulance, nurses, dentist, optician, Everton in the Community, Share Knowsley and Road Safety Officers to participate in our learning (internet safety)
- Studying other faiths and cultures, including visiting other places of worship
- Raising money for charity
- Providing Career Professional Development for staff
- Instilling global values through: school council, prefects, buddies, eco monitors
- Providing opportunities for children to showcase their talents and compete (sports, singing, choral, speech choir, music)
- Nurturing a welcoming ethos for all
- Taking part in local and national initiatives such as litter picks, planting trees for the Queen’s Green Canopy, Walk on Wednesday
- Involving parents/carers in school through: courses, visits, assisting, celebrations, writing/maths workshops
- Collaborating actively with groups in our parish and locality (sacramental preparation, class masses, celebrations)
- Making connections on a global scale with our worldwide community
- Providing: Parent/carer music assemblies
- Summer and Christmas Fairs, CAFOD events in school, Democracy through School Council, NSPCC assembly and workshops, First-Aid/First Aid presentations and workshops
- Key Stage two taking part in the Archdiocese schools singing project
- Local secondary schools provide music lessons flutes/recorders
- Gaelic football provision provided to involve children with a different sport
- Regular religious celebrations in school: Pentecost, Crowning of Mary, Remembrance, walking to Church, Church story, crib experience
- ‘Visits to Heaven Sent’ live Nativity (to experience the Christmas story)